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“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’ and is a natural healing process based on the energy that flows through us, and everything we see and touch. We each have 7 main 'wheels' of energy (known as chakras) throughout our bodies, and sometimes these become blocked. By using Reiki, we can bring balance to our lives which is believed to reinforce the body’s natural ability to self heal. Reiki is not based on a belief system and is open to anyone to receive including animals, plants, and children!
Believe it or not, crystals are all around us and have been used for their energies for a very long time. Think your quartz watch or LCD television. So I love to incorporate crystals into reiki therapy sessions but the option is there to exclude if you so wish. If you feel that you'd like specific crystals to be used during your treatment, just ask.
Crystals amplify life-force energy which runs through everything, and they help to realign us. Sometimes we're just drawn to a specific crystal - trust that.
Did you know that inside many plants (roots, seeds, flowers & bark) are concentrated & highly potent chemical compounds? Well it's these which are the essential oils! They're natures defense mechanism for plants and cells, and are natural aromatic compounds which are 50-70 times more powerful than herbs. For instance, 1 drop of dōTERRA Peppermint is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea. If you're looking to bring nature into your home and see how it can support your healing and health, book one of the classes for up to 6 people and have a fun educational evening testing and tasting!
Brush aside any thoughts that massage is only an indulgence, massage can be a powerful way of taking charge of your health & wellbeing - whether you're targeting something specific, or simply want to relieve yourself of stress levels. The AromaTouch Technique® combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in ATT have been chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties, and how they correlate to the brain’s emotional control centre: the limbic system, which controls our emotions, mood, and memory
Check out these fun facts about touch
I am based from my home therapy room in Northwich, Cheshire. The room is on the first floor, so does require climbing stairs. I strongly recommend you contact me at the booking stage if this will be a problem for you so that we can discuss an alternative solution. We also have cats in our home, so again if you suffer with allergies I will require notice at the time of booking to discuss an alternative solution.
Reiki is energy healing, and works on 4 levels; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Every treatment is unique to you and what is going on with you and your body at that moment in time. Hence no 2 Reiki treatments are the same. Reiki will also only work for your highest good, and encourage energy to flow where it may have become stagnant.
For Reiki and Crystal Therapy, please wear something comfortable that you'll be happy to lie in when under a blanket. There is minimal touching involved, and my hands will mostly hover over your body. It is requested that you do not wear a watch and mobile phones should go on flight mode or be switched off during the treatment to keep energy frequencies from interfering.
Reiki, crystals and AromaTouch are suitable during pregnancy, however the other massage techniques which I offer are not suitable during pregnancy. You will need to let me know in at the time of booking your appointment so that I can arrange the room for your comfort
This is entirely dependent upon you; recommendations can vary from once weekly to once every 6-8 weeks and will be discussed after your treatment
To ensure that each bottle of essential oil is pure and free from contaminants or synthetic fillers, dōTERRA created the CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® protocol. The CPTG process includes a rigorous examination of every batch of oil, along with third-party testing to guarantee transparency. You can read more about it at